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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.



Dear Parents and carers,

We are very much looking forward to your child moving up into ‘the juniors’.

As they move from key stage one (year 2) to key stage two (year 3) there are some changes to tell you about. Please share these with your child to help them familiarise themselves with the routines of junior school life before they return in September. If you have any concerns or questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

  1. The children enter through the upper school gate from 8.40am and go to their class waiting zone.  Parents are not permitted through the gate and children enter the playground independently.


Children must not enter the playground until a teacher is on duty at 8.40am and must remain with their parents outside of the school grounds.


  1. Morning maths activities start in classes at 8.50am.


  1. If you need to pass a message to the class teacher, please send a letter in their bag, contact the office or speak to the member of staff on duty at the gate.


  1. The gate closes at 8.55am and children arriving after this time must be taken to the school office to sign in and be marked as late.


  1. Children need a bag to carry letters, homework, spelling book, reading books in and a lunchbox (if they have packed lunch) plus a named water bottle every day. In key stage 2, we encourage the children to be independent by expecting them to pack their own belongings away for carrying to and from school
  2. All other school equipment in provided however, in key stage 2, children may, if they wish, bring in their own small pencil case with coloured pencils in which they have to take responsibility for.


  1. Children may bring a healthy snack for morning break – crisps, biscuits or chocolate are not allowed.  


  1. Lunchtime – Children can either bring their own packed lunch or buy a hot dinner – children need to bring in their own money every day (approximately £2.60) and choose a drink, main meal and desert when they get to the counter. There are several choices every day including a subway style deli option. The year 3 teachers will assist with this to begin with whilst children get used to their new routines.



  1. Reading home-learning: Children should be heard to read at least 3 times a week at home, for about 10/15 minutes, recording the page number in their reading record. Parents are asked to sign the reading record after each session.


  1. Homework: Children will be set maths homework every Friday (basic skills and timetables) which must be returned by Wednesday, at the latest. There is a homework club after school on Friday which children may attend to complete their work.


  1. Spellings are set every two weeks and children are expected to practise these at home, as well as working on them in their class spelling sessions. Pupils are tested fortnightly in school. Each child has a spelling book.


  1. School finishes for Juniors at 3.10pm and children are brought to the gate by their class teacher to meet their parents. Parents are not permitted to enter the playground. The class teacher must receive a message prior to collection if another adult is collecting your child (for example, they’re going home with a friend for tea).


  1. A reminder that fun4kidz is available from 7.45am - 5.55pm.


We are really looking forward to the new term and welcoming your child to key stage 2.

We hope you have a lovely summer – see you in September.




Mrs Allen (KS2 Lead) and all of the year 3 teaching staff