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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School home page

Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 1 - Maple

Summer Term 2 2024


Welcome back, everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful half term break and are excited to start our Summer Term 2. The end of the school year is fast approaching and we are in the process of getting the children ready for their next year group. This half term, the children will meet their new class teacher and see the classroom they will be based in - how exciting!

We have a very exciting half term ahead of us! We will be continuing to work through our curriculum as we get ready for the end of the school year.


Here's a little look at what we are learning about over the next few weeks of the school year.



We have started a new story in our English lessons called Winnie and Wilbur at the Seaside. This is a very topical narrative in which two characters have an exciting yet terrible day at the seaside. The children will love this story and produce some super writing around it.


We will be starting this unit by reading through our story and developing our comprehension skills.Then, we will start to explore the story further and produce some pieces of writing around it, whilst developing and continuing to improve our reading skills. Phonics is being taught daily to ensure the children are growing in confidence and fluency when reading.



In our Maths lessons, we are going to measurement (length and mass/weight). The children will be learning to describe lengths and heights and mass/weight using terminology like long/short, heavy/light. After that, we will be developing our adding and subtracting within 20 skills. Then, we will further develop our understanding of fractions and time, using our knowledge of halves to help us tell o'clock and half past times.



Our topic for our Science this half term is Seasonal Changes. Throughout this topic we are going to observe and describe changes across four seasons and describe weather associated within the seasons.



Our new unit is all about Digit Literacy. We are excited for the children to develop their understanding of algorithms and programming. 



In our Art lessons, we will be exploring and creating a range of different sculptures. The children will be using their cutting, drawing, sculpting, modelling and painting skills to enable to create wonderful pieces of art in their sketchbooks.



For our Geography unit, we will be learning about the Great Inventions. Our learning will take us back in time to learn about some innovative inventions, focusing on who the inventor was and the impact their creation had on the world.



The children are very excited to be starting our notation and composition topic. The children will be developing their understanding of musical notes and using this to help them compose their own musical pieces.



This term we are very lucky to be starting our whole-school dance unit with Mr Glenn. The children will be developing their range of movements and ability to move in time with a piece of music. Our routine will also form part of our class assembly. Mrs Londesborough will be teaching the children about games which require teamwork. We will be developing our team building skills.



Our unit is Sacred Places. The children will be considering places which are special to them and we will explore the reasons why. We will move onto learning about special places in different religions like a church, mosque and synagogue.



In our PSHE unit, we are going to be exploring our feelings and emotions. We will pay close attention to how we can deal with our feelings and emotions and the best ways to help us cope. One of the first emotions we will learn about is jealousy.


We are very excited for the weeks to follow. Please keep an eye on our school X page for more updates of our amazing learning.


Mr Hannaford, Miss Ludlow and Mrs Parry