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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 1 - Maple

Spring Term 1 2025


Welcome back, everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year and are excited to continue our learning in the Spring term. We have a very exciting half term ahead of us! We will be continuing to work through our curriculum. We have a lot of activities going on this half term such as forest school.


Here's a little look at what we are learning about over the next few weeks of the school year.



We have started a new story in our English lessons called Tin Forest. We will be starting this unit by exploring a range of non-fiction texts about forests and creating our own. Then, we will start to explore the story and produce some pieces of writing around it, whilst developing and improving our reading skills. Phonics is being taught daily to ensure the children are growing in confidence and fluency when reading.



In our Maths lessons, we are going to be explore a range of strands such as place value, addition and subtraction and shapes. We will be improving our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills throughout our lessons. Every morning, when the children come in, we will be taking part in our Morning Maths sessions. These are opportunities for the children to improve their key mathematical basic skills such as counting, adding and subtracting.



We will be exploring animals, including humans in our Science unit. We will be learning to identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will try to identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We will be describing and comparing the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets) and Grouping together animals according to their different features.



Our new unit is all about digit creation. We will be using varieties of software and applications to help the children develop their creativity. We will cover many aspects such as typing, saving and mouse skills.



In our Art lessons, we will be exploring and creating a range of different landscapes. The children will be using their cutting, drawing and painting skills to enable to create wonderful pieces of art in their sketchbooks.



For our Geography unit, we will be exploring our people and their communities. We will be comparing how people's lives and communities are similar and different to our own.



The children are very excited to be starting our listen and appraise unit. We will be exploring Rock and Roll music. We will sample a range of musical pieces from this genre and compare them, exploring how they are similar and different.



This term we are developing our locomotion skills. With Mrs Londesborough, we are improving our hand skills. Our aim is to confidently dribble a ball whilst keeping it under control. Mr Glenn will be working with the children again to improve our dance skills.



Our unit is 'What Makes Some Places Sacred?' Throughout our lessons, we will looking at places which are special and sacred to us and then compare these to sacred places within Christianity and Islam.



In our PSHE unit, we are going to be exploring relationships we have with a particular emphasis on Friendship. Our aim is to ensure all children understand the foundations of true friendship and we explore ways of interacting with our friends, whilst discussing ways of making new friends.


We are very excited to get started. Please keep an eye on our school X page for more updates of our amazing learning.


Mr Hannaford, Mrs Smith and Mrs Phillips