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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 4/5 - Sycamore/Birch

Spring Term 1 - 2024

Welcome to Y4/5 class! We are split into two classes: Sycamore and Birch. We have some really exciting areas of learning to delve into this term!



During this half term, Year 4 will be engaging with ' Roald Dahl's Matilda', planning their own play script based on the story and writing a diary entry based on Matilda's first day of school.  


Year 5 will be studying 'Fables', exploring the features of a fable and how they are used to convey a message. In our non-fiction topic, we will be looking at the features and layout of a formal letter and will write our own letters to an important person.


We will develop our reading and writing skills through the use of VIPERS:

Using VIPERS helps us to examine the techniques used by the author, delve into the meaning behind words and replicate aspects in our own writing. We will then create our own piece of writing in the style of a non-fiction text. 



In Year 4, children will start by looking at measurements. They will compare and convert measurements of length, as well as finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. In the Statistics topic, the children will look at graphs to identify and interpret data. Children will then explore negative numbers and finding fractions of an amount through division.


This term, Year 5 will master time, reading 12- and 24-hour clocks, and interpreting timetables. They’ll solve problems with units of time, calculate differences in temperature, and understand negative numbers. Children will tackle multiplication, division, decimals, Roman numerals, coordinates, shapes, and angles, developing problem-solving strategies across a range of contexts.



In Science we will be exploring forces including gravity, air resistance and water resistance.



In our Geography lessons, we will be conducting a study of an Alpine Region.



This half term we focus on Djembe drumming and classical music. We will experiment with creating our own sounds on both tuned and untuned instruments. 



The focus this half term is Weather.



In our Art lessons, we are continuing our topic of Every picture tells a story looking at Banksy, Rorschach and Emojis.




In our Computing lessons this half term, the children will explore how the Mars Rover collects and transmits data, including photos and scientific readings. They will learn about binary numbers (up to eight bits), binary addition, and how data is encoded using ASCII. They’ll identify input, processing, and output systems on the rover.



Our two topics for P.E. this half term are Gymnastics and Tag Rugby. Birch are swimming.



In this half term, our question is What would Jesus do? (Can we live by the values of Jesus in the twenty-first century?) We will explore what it means to follow in the values of Jesus.



We love exploring the units on 1Decision. They are giving the children a good insight into the world and offering advice on how to conduct themselves as good and honest citizens, whilst keeping themselves safe at all times. We are learning about making the right choice and becoming responsible for their actions. 


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Reilly and Miss Jessup