Our names are Mrs Laycock & Mrs Londesborough and we are the Computing leads. The following information will give you an overview of Computing at Lydiate Primary and Nursery School.
The Lydiate Computing Specialist
Ofsted recognise that:
‘Digital technology is driving extraordinary global changes that some are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution.’
Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, June 2019
Here at Lydiate Primary, we most certainly understand and recognise the increasingly important place of Computing in our society. As subject leads, we believe that Computing prepares children for an unknown, but tech-dominated, future. 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that do not yet exist!
Children here at Lydiate are true Computing experts. It is often commented that the Computing knowledge of pupils from this school outstrips that of their peers from other schools when they reach Key Stage 3. The Lydiate Primary Computing specialist is excited about their skills in Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology; is prepared and willing to apply their learning outside school; and has a thorough understanding about how to keep themselves safe online.
Our Computing Curriculum comprises the following principles:
- The Computing curriculum meets the needs of all pupils, regardless of ability, culture or background.
- Children deserve a curriculum rich with opportunities and experiences, to allow them to develop a deep understanding of the digital world.
- Partnership with parents has a valuable role to play in addressing the education of all pupils. The extensive use of digital devices away from school means that educating parents in the appropriate use of technology and online safety is essential.
- Relevant resources are used to complement the specific needs of individual pupils, engage them and encourage and allow them to apply their learning both in and out of school.
- The Computing curriculum plays a vital role in the development of our children’s self-esteem, including how they perceive themselves and interact with others online.
- Every child is entitled to a specific Computing lesson of at least 45 minutes every week.
- The Computing curriculum is enhanced and supported by the provision of extra-curricular activities; as described by Ofsted in their report:
The curriculum is enriched by a number of after-school and lunchtime clubs such as dance, computing, multi-sports, art and gardening.
Lydiate Primary Ofsted report, May 2019.
Our Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum is driven around the three principles which make up our school motto: Inspire, Achieve, Prepare for Life. We start every lesson by setting the learning intention, explaining clearly why we are learning a concept, and drawing specifically on previous learning to help us.
Inspiring Our Pupils – The Intent
The Computing Curriculum was completely re-designed in 2021-2, ready for roll-out from September 2022. A number of approaches and published schemes were thoroughly researched and trialled.
The decision was made to use Kapow as a basis for lesson planning, teaching and assessment. This scheme was chosen because it is authored by primary computing specialists, has an excellent and clear progression of knowledge from EYFS to Year 6, encompasses relevant cross-curricular opportunities and is mapped to the hugely important ‘Education for a Connected World’ document, which sets out the government guidelines for equipping children for digital life and navigating the crucial world of online safety.
In addition, the CPD for teachers is second-to-none, meaning that, whatever their stage of education, teachers are fully versed in the necessary knowledge to deliver the curriculum with confidence and expertise. Finally, the scheme was chosen for its connection to the wider world and future careers. Firstly, the knowledge gained by pupils can be applied to laptops, desktops, tablets, chromebooks and mobile devices. Secondly, the teaching of the lessons through free, readily available software such as the google suite for education means that pupils can apply and continue their learning anywhere, and can seamlessly continue their Computing journeys into high school and beyond.
The Kapow lessons were then carefully adapted to suit the pupils at Lydiate Primary School. This meant that a great deal of time and care was taken to isolate precisely which four key pieces of knowledge were to be acquired by every pupil during every half term from Nursery to Year 6. Decisions were made based on progression, ensuring that the identified knowledge was built upon effectively every year, and on our considered priorities for our pupils and their futures. These priorities lie in the fields of online safety, coding and digital communication.
Ensuring Our Pupils Achieve – The Implementation
Our ‘Key Knowledge & Progression in Computing’ document fully sets out the learning that each child is to acquire from Nursery to Year 6 (see link below.)
The learning journey for each pupil in each half term follows the same sequence. During the first four lessons, the knowledge is taught, building each time on previous knowledge from the last lesson, term or year group as appropriate.
Subsequently, children are assessed on their retention of these four pieces of knowledge. In Computing, this takes the form of a quiz which is matched to the content taught. Pupils fill in their answers on a sheet and this is then marked. Based on analysis of how well pupils have learned the content, the teacher plans a further lesson or activity. This takes the form either of revising knowledge of which many pupils were not sure, providing individual support to learners or giving opportunities to extend or apply their knowledge if the key content has been retained.
Our goal is for children to know more and remember more. Knowledge retention is encouraged in a variety of ways: repetition of key facts throughout the lesson, relevant practice and application; usually using chromebooks; the opportunity to access this work from home and practise further, targeted questioning, opportunities to explain learning to the teacher or other pupils (e.g. during paired work) and through other strategies such as brain dumps.
We are proud that many of our pupils who might find other subjects difficult, appear to thrive in Computing lessons. Our computing curriculum promotes inclusivity in a number of ways. Through modelling, scaffolding and paired work, we support all pupils to achieve, including those with SEND and disadvantaged pupils. Specific aspects in which we promote inclusivity are through reducing cognitive load, careful questioning, familiar routines, physical computing such as using bee-bots, harnessing multimedia and providing unplugged activities.
Preparing Our Pupils For Life – The Impact
Because of careful assessment and subsequent steps to take knowledge further, we know that our pupils are learning the intended curriculum. This is verified through pupil voice interviews and examination of the pupils’ online work, which is saved within their individual google drives.
The Computing curriculum is also linked to the love of Reading that permeates our curriculum at Lydiate Primary. Often, the teaching sequence involves the use of texts to enhance and support pupils’ learning. As global, digital citizens, we want out pupils to know the important part played by female African American mathematicians in Computing, so one of the texts we use is Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly. We also use stories by prominent authors, such as Hacker by Malorie Blackman, and non-fiction texts such as Look Inside: How Computers Work by Usborne Press.
Whenever we can, we invite guest speakers to talk to the children about careers in Computing. These might be parents or local experts. Children learn about computer animation as part of the curriculum in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5; and here we draw upon the knowledge that Chris Butler, a famous animator involved with productions such as Kubo and the Two Strings, attended Lydiate Primary School as a pupil!
Lydiate Futures
We are confident that we are giving our pupils the necessary knowledge to equip them for careers in or involving Computing, and to have the digital communication and online safety skills to promote success in any career.
Computing also features outside of regular school hours. As noted by Ofsted during the last inspection, extra-curricular activities enhance learning here at Lydiate Primary, and Computing is always represented strongly in our after-school provision. We offer clubs at different times of the year for different groups of pupils. Currently, we offer Year 1 and 2 pupils the weekly opportunity to continue their learning from Computing lessons or to try something new, taking advantage of our dedicated IT Suite and brand new, state of the art chromebooks.
Want To Know More?
Keep up to date with all aspects of Computing through our twitter account and school website. If you would like to know more about your child’s learning in Computing, please refer to the documents below or feel free to make an appointment to speak to Mrs Laycock or Mrs Londesborough.
Pupil Voice in Computing
Below, you will find the Key Knowledge & Progression in Computing document that forms the basis of knowledge that children will gain from Early Years to Year 6. Each of the three core elements of Computing - Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology - builds progressively year by year.
Threaded throughout the curriculum is the vital element of e-safety, of increasing importance in our digital world. Our Key Learning document shows the development of e-safety but for further details, please see the e-safety tab located under this tab.