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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School home page

Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.


Welcome to the Governors' Page.

The Governors play an important role in the school community. 


The main aims of the Governing body are to:


* ensure that suitable aims and objectives are set for the school

*agree policies, targets and priorities;and

*monitor and review aims, objectives, and whether the policies, targets and priorities are being achieved.


The Governors at Lydiate Primary are listed on the website and can be contacted through the school office.


If you feel you could contribute and would like more information about joining the governing body please leave your contact details at the school office.


Our school has a strong team of governors drawn from the local community.


The School governing body holds 3 full meetings each year. We have made sure that our Governors have a full range of skills so that they can challenge the school and provide support as and when required. We also have a strong committee system in place that monitors the work of the school. Committee meetings are held 3 times per year.


Standards and Curriculum Committee (Chair: Mr Will Byrne) This committee monitors the curriculum of the school to make sure that we deliver a curriculum that challenges and inspires the children. The commitee reviews the academic progress that pupils in the school are making and challenges the leadership of the school to make sure we are stretching every child in our care.


Resources Committee (Chair: Mrs S Gordon) This committee works to provide the best facilities that we can afford as well as making sure the school complies with Health and Safety Regulations. The committee makes sure  that the school uses the funds at its disposal wisely to achieve the best value for money as possible.


Governor Diversity

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and depending on the data can use this to:

*target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity

*develop and adpat board practices to ensure full participation

*prioritise training and awareness - raising in identified areas.




Our Governing Body


Co-opted Governors


Mrs C Moore (Chair of Governing Body)

Mrs S Gordon 
Mr S Moore

Mr B Jolly

Mr I Merrison

Mr W Byrne (Vice-Chair of Governing Body)


Parent Representatives




Staff Governors


Mrs G Forshaw (Headteacher)

Mrs C Laycock (Assistant Headteacher)


Local Authority Governors


Mrs A Murt

Clerk to the Governors


Mrs P Neilson


NB: All governors can be contacted via the school office.


Governor's Roles In Other Educational Institutions


Mrs C Moore - Community Governor Maghull High School

Mrs S Gordon - Community Governor Maghull High School.


Any Relationships Between Governors And Staff




Business And Pecuniary Interests Of Governors

Mr I Merrison - First Steps Enterprise