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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School home page

Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Contact Details

If you have a query, please contact Mrs Robinson in the school office -  using any of the following methods of communication.


Telephone: 0151 526 2657 


Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Lambshear Lane





School Bursar - Mrs J Robinson


Our key staff can also be contacted via the school office.


Headteacher: Mrs G Forshaw

Assistant Headteacher: Mrs C Laycock

DSL's: (Safeguarding) Mrs G Forshaw, Miss L Bradford, Mrs C Laycock, Mr T Hannaford


SENDCO: Mrs L Pike


Chair of Governors: Mrs C Moore c/o Lydiate Primary and Nursery School.


If you require any paper copies of our documentation, please request this directly from the school office.




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