"Geography is a subject which holds the key to our future." - Michael Palin
My name is Miss Reilly and I am the Geography lead. The following information will give you an overview of Geography at Lydiate Primary School.
The Lydiate Geographer
At Lydiate, we love learning about Geography! Our learning begins in nursery and continues into EYFS, KS1 and KS2. We learn about both human and physical geography in our own locality and beyond!
Our Curriculum Drivers
Our Curriculum is driven around the three principles which make up our school motto: Inspire, Achieve, Prepare for Life. We start every lesson by setting the learning intention, explaining clearly why we are learning a concept, and drawing specifically on previous learning to help us.
Inspiring our pupils - The Intent
Geography is an integral part of our curriculum at Lydiate Primary School and we aim to motivate and inspire children through learning that engages and challenges all children. We aim to develop a curiosity and fascination about the world that the children live in and help them to enjoy learning about different global communities and their relationships between these people and their landscapes.
Our Geography curriculum is designed to deepen knowledge and develop key skills. We aim to ensure effective progression within each geography unit and across all year groups. Our school mission statement: 'Inspire, Achieve, Prepare for life' is at the core of our Geography curriculum.
Ensuring Our Pupils Achieve - The Implementation
We using the Rising Stars scheme of work at Lydiate Primary for KS1 and KS2. In nursery, we take our objectives from 'Development Matters' and 'Early Learning Goals' for our EYFS children. These documents can be found at the bottom of this page. We want our children to leave each phase of their learning ready for the next.
In Geography, we implement an inclusive curriculum that meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, incorporating the four main areas of learning at each key stage: place, location, human and physical and geographical skills and fieldwork.
We have used Rising Stars to create a bespoke curriculum for all of our pupils identifying key areas of knowledge and skills to be learnt. Our lessons incorporate assessment opportunities in which we can identify any misconceptions for any pupils and address as necessary as well as taking all of our learning further.
Our curriculum is well-planned and provides literacy-rich opportunities to apply our writing skills. Our Geography lead has identified the core areas of learning for each unit of work covered whilst also providing opportunities to assess learning within the unit, address any misconceptions and also take learning further for all of our pupils.
A series of stimulating lessons are planned, with clear knowledge and skills-based learning objectives and subject-specific vocabulary. Post learning tasks are planned to demonstrate progress, knowledge and understanding.
Our curriculum is delivered through highly effective ‘quality first teaching’ using Rising Stars as a stimulus for all of our lessons.
Our Geography curriculum promotes children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, ensuring that they are reflective and responsible citizens.
Preparing Our Pupils for Life - The Impact
Our well-planned Geography curriculum ensures that children are competent in the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate data, and to interpret a range of geographical sources, including maps, globes and aerial photographs. Children are able to communicate information in a variety of ways including maps, numerical and quantitative skills and a range of literacy skills.
Through the breadth and depth that our Geography curriculum offers, our children are provided with a broad knowledge of the world they live in, and understand, as responsible citizens, how they need to care and preserve the planet for future generations.
Want To Know More?
Any Parent/Carer who wishes to know more about our Geography curriculum can make an appointment to see Miss Reilly. Please do so via contacting the school office. There are also some useful documents and websites below.
Many thanks,
Miss Reilly