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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School home page

Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 3 - Elm

Year 3 - Autumn 2024


Welcome to our class page. The adults working in Year 3 are:


Mrs Foulkes, Mrs Londesborough, Ms Campion, Mrs Higham and Mrs Bowen





We love reading and will be reading every day - choosing our own books, completing ‘repeated reading,’ sharing stories and reading in lots of our lessons. We will be continuing to use our phonics knowledge and learn to apply this to our spellings.

We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills, using our learning technique, VIPERS that teach the children to look at different styles of questions, such as prediction and retrieval.  Year three will be working on improving their handwriting as well as incorporating expanded noun phrases, conjuctions and adverbials within their writing.



As ever, we will have our dedicated library time each week. The more children can read at home, the more this will support the work we do in school. Why not become a member of the The Meadows library services?


This term our writing will begin using a ‘film clip’ where the children will research how to look after a dog and then put this information into a set of instructions. The writing will follow a number of comprehension lessons building up our VIPER skills.





We will begin our day with morning maths. It is imperative that your child is punctual each day so as not to miss vital maths arithmetic skills. In our maths lessons, we are going to explore a range of strands such as place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. We will be improving our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills throughout our lessons.


We will be working hard on our multiplication and division skills. Please can you ensure your child is practising their times tables via TTRS at least 3 times per week.


In year 3, we will be strengthening our arithmetic skills further and applying these to more reasoning based word problems.




Our topic this half-term is PlantsThe children will extend their learning from KS1 on plants to identify and describe the functions of different parts of a flowering plant; explore the requirements of plants for life and growth; investigate the way in which water is transported within plants and explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.



We will be learning about the Weather and Climates.  The children will explore what is meant by a climate, biomes and a tundra biome.  They will explore the climates in desserts and rainforests too.


Art and Design Technology

In art the children will be looking at formal elements of art.  This will increase their awareness and mastery of different kinds of art, craft and design by applying geometry to their drawing.



In Music, the children will be listening to and appraising Asian music. We will learn the rhythms of this style of music and then re-create it by composing our own version.



In PE, the children will be working on Games and Gymnastics.  It is very important that the children come to school on Thursday’s and Friday’s dressed in their correct PE kits.   



In R.E. we will looking at 'What it means to be a Christian in Britain today!’ and how Christians celebrate their religion within their homes and churches. 



The children in Year 3 are expected to read at least 3 times per week at home as well as accessing Times Tables Rockstars online at least 3 times per week. Login details will be given to all children again but these will be the same details as in previous years. If you are new to our school, a new account has been created for you.


When listening to your child read, we would kindly ask you to write a comment in your child's reading record. Once a routine has been established with the children, the children can swap their books as soon as they have finished.


We will collect all reading records in on a Tuesday in school. Please make sure your child has it in their bag every day just to help set a good routine.


Thanks for your support.


We are very excited about our new year in school and are looking forward to sharing it with you. Please keep an eye on our school twitter page for more updates of our year 3 adventures. 


Mrs Foulkes, Mrs Londesborough

