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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 2 - Cedar

Spring Term 2024


Now Christmas is past, we are full steam ahead for our year 2 journey. This term our highlights will include learning the ukulele, dancing with Mr Glenn and singing with Miss Davies (our singing teacher). We can’t wait to showcase our new skills taught and share them with our parents later in the term.  


Here’s a sneak peek at the exciting learning lined up this term:



This term our English texts will link to our history topic.  We will dive into the dramatic events of 1666, learning about how the fire started, how it spread, and the incredible destruction it caused. It's an intense and exciting historical moment! We will follow Vlad, a curious and adventurous character, as he navigates the chaos of the fire. His perspective will offer a fun and engaging way to learn about history, offering a fascinating glimpse into the past. The children will be working hard on their grammar, sentence structure and lead up to writing a first-person account.



This Spring term, we’re diving deeper into the world of Maths, and we couldn’t be more excited! Our focus will be on problem-solving as we sharpen our skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Your child will engage in fun, real-life challenges that will help them think critically and develop strong mathematical reasoning.


A key area of focus will be time and measurement—we’ll explore how to tell the time accurately, understand the duration of time, and figure out which units of measurement to use in different situations. Whether it’s hours, minutes, or even longer measurements, your child will become a time and measurement expert!


We’ll also be continuing to master our 2, 5, and 10 times tables, helping students strengthen their mental math skills. Through exciting games, challenges, and activities, your child will become faster and more confident with their times tables, building the foundation for even more advanced math in the future.


This term promises to be full of hands-on learning, engaging challenges, and a deep dive into key skills that will help your child excel in math. It’s going to be an exciting journey!



We are thrilled to share that our next science topic is all about the amazing world of animals and humans! In this engaging unit, your child will discover the fascinating basic needs that all living things require to thrive—food, water, air, and shelter—and how these essential needs are similar and different for humans and animals.


A major focus will be the importance of physical exercise. We'll dive into why staying active is crucial for our health and well-being, and explore fun ways to keep fit and strong. Through exciting activities and experiments, your child will understand how exercise helps us grow, stay healthy, and feel our best.


We’ll also journey through the life cycles of animals! Children will have the opportunity to learn about the offspring of different animals and match them to their parents, as well as recognise the stages of growth from birth to adulthood in both animals and humans.


Finally, we’ll explore the world of medicines—how they work, why they’re so important, and how they help us stay healthy. Through real-world examples and interactive discussions, your child will discover the vital role medicines play in keeping us safe and well.


This topic is sure to spark curiosity and wonder as your child learns about the incredible connections between humans, animals, and the world around us!




In computing, sharpening our word processing skills is the aim this half term. Skills include: learning how to touch type, create sentences making them bold and different fonts and sizes. Learning to search for appropriate images, importing them into a document and altering the image and lastly identify keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste, remembering to cite source materials when appropriate. This will hopefully make us quicker in the future when using the computer!




This half term, we’re embarking on an exciting and imaginative journey into the human form through art! Your child will explore the fascinating world of body sculptures, using their creativity to draw, trace, and decorate different types of skulls, bringing the human body to life in a whole new way.


We’ll be experimenting with a wide range of materials to create unique and stunning designs, from colourful patterns to textured surfaces. Students will develop their skills in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form, and space, pushing the boundaries of their artistic abilities and crafting truly one-of-a-kind pieces.


The best part? Your child will use their own experiences and imagination to create original sculptures, allowing their ideas to take shape in bold and exciting ways. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to explore, experiment, and express themselves through art while learning new techniques and honing their creativity.


It’s going to be an inspiring and hands-on experience full of artistic exploration!



This term, we’re stepping back in time to the year 1666 for an unforgettable journey through one of the most dramatic events in British history—the Great Fire of London! Your child will become a history detective, uncovering the true reasons behind how the fire started, what caused it to spread so quickly, and how it changed the city forever.


But that’s not all! We’ll explore the real-life stories of the people who lived through the fire—their courage, fear, and resilience in the face of such destruction. Through role-playing and interactive activities, your child will gain a deeper understanding of the emotions and experiences of those who survived this monumental event.


Finally, we’ll also look at how the Great Fire shaped modern London—from new building regulations to the city's growth and development.



This term is action packed for music.  We have the very talented Mr Zaim, supporting us each Monday, teaching us new songs on the ukuleles. Mrs Davies, a Local Authority singing teacher, will be gracing us with her presence, teaching us new songs and adapting some we already know. We can’t wait to invite all our parents to come and see us perform.  




Mr Glenn is back with us this half term, teaching us new dances linked to our class themes. He will develop a unique dance, that we will be able to share with all our parents.  We can’t wait to get a moving and a grooving to the beat!


In outside PE, we will be sharpening our skills in attack and defence, learning the best techniques to stop our attackers getting the beanbags.  We will identify the quickest routes to get to the finish line and understand the importance of rules in games, that they are not there just for our safety but also for our enjoyment.



Our RE focus this whole Spring term will be focused on Muslims and Islam. We will find out all about this very exciting religion; identifying artefacts used and learning about some very important religious stories from Prophet Mohammed. We will take a virtual tour inside a mosque, discussing the importance of features within it.   Cedar Class love learning about new religions and making links to our own thoughts.  




In PSHE, we’re focusing on relationships, particularly delving into the term bullying.  We will identity what a bully is or does and recognise that it’s a repeated occurrence and not a one off. We will share some stories and make our own decisions if the person is a bully or not. As a class, we will consider what we can all do to support each other and what acts we should take if we think someone is bullying someone else.


Lastly, throughout all our subject areas we will continue to develop our voice 21 skills, homing on our new found skills. 

Mrs Pike, Mrs Parry and Mrs Smith