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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School home page

Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 2 - Cedar

Summer Term 2024


Welcome to our final term in Year 2.  We are looking forward to another very exciting term and can’t wait to share some of our dancing talents with you, in our whole school dance!   We are looking forward to our school trip to Farmer Ted’s in May, building on our understanding of Living things and their Habitats.  That’s not all, we also have our Sports Day to look forward to and even more wonderful topics that will engage and excite the children too!  This is some of what we will be learning about this term.



We love reading and will be reading every day - choosing our own books, completing ‘repeated reading,’ sharing stories and reading in lots of our lessons. We will be continuing to use our phonics knowledge and learn to apply this to our spellings.

We will also continue to develop our comprehension skills, using our learning technique, VIPERS that teach the children to look at different styles of questions, such as prediction and retrieval.  After that we will be sharing Wanted The Perfect Pet by Fiona Roberton. 


‘Not everyone has to go to the pet shop to find their perfect pet...Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Henry. What Henry wanted more than anything in the whole wide world. . . MORE than chips. . . MORE than a cowboy costume. .’


We will be using this chapter book to develop our reading and writing skills by writing a simple chapter story about a child who wants something but ends up with something different:- focusing on commas in lists and noun phrase; word recognition and using our phonics, new vocabulary and understanding what we have read; and sentence formation including extending sentences. 

Please support your child by reading as often as you can with them at home.



In our Maths lessons, we are going to be explore a range of strands such as place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. We will be improving our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills throughout our lessons. Every morning, when the children come in, they will complete our Morning Maths to improve, and consolidate, their key mathematical basic skills such as counting, adding, subtracting and the 2x, 5x and 10x table.

Please support your child learning their times tables and use TTRS on a regular basis.  Working hard on this now will greatly help them in the future.




We will be exploring living things in their habitats and will be going to Farmer Ted’s to help us appreciate this topic further.  Not only will we looking at the animals but also the vegetation that is around their habitats; learning what the animals need to survive.



Our new unit is scratch whereby the children will make a character move by using an algorithm.   



In art this term, we shall be exploring sculptures through mixed medias. The children will love making sculptures of the human form using pipe cleaners!



Geography this term is based upon our wonderful world.  The children will develop their knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality by using geographical skills and first-hand observations, to enhance their locational awareness.



The children will be continuing to learn to play the ukulele and will visit the local Village Hall, each week, to work alongside residents who play the musical instrument. 



This term we are developing our ball skills to help us dribble, kick and beat our opponent.  We will also continue to develop our dance skills this term, working with Mr Glenn on a whole school dance.



We are exploring ‘What we can learn from sacred books.’ We will be exploring parables and their meanings from the Bible and also looking at how sacred books are cared for within different religions. 



In our PSHE unit, we are looking at dealing with our feelings and emotions through exploring worry and anger.  This will give the children mechanisms to help them cope with their emotions.



This term, the children will be learning the seasons in French and will learn to say which is their favourite season.


We are very excited about our new learning and are looking forward to sharing it with you. Please keep an eye on our school twitter page for more updates of our year 2 adventures. 


Mrs Allen and Mrs Foulkes