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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Our Vision & Values

Our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do.


Our vision


Our vision is reflected in our school motto of 'Inspire, Achieve, Prepare for Life'.


We want all our learners to be inspired by their learning, whether that be through a lesson, the use of an exciting resource, an interesting visitor/speaker in school or a fabulous trip out to somewhere that maybe they haven't been before. We believe in inspiring our pupils through a love and joy of literature, and through wider curriculum opportunities such as developing a passion for expressive dance, the arts and music. It is our vision that all children can talk articulately about composers, artists and authors.


We want all our learners to achieve. Achievement is not only important academically, but also spiritually and morally. It is important to us that our learners experience achievement in lots of different ways, whether this being small steps which are significant for some children to climibing mountains. Children are much more than a test score!


We want all our learners to be prepared for life. It is important to us that our curriculum takes into account the skills and the knowledge that the children need for the next stage in their life - whether that be the next year group, the next Key Stage or moving onto secondary school. We want all our children to feel knowledgeable, confident and happy as they move on to the phase.


Our long term vision is for all our learning community to work in a building that is fit for 21st Century teaching in a building that inspires and one we can be proud of and share with our community. We are delighted to be in the Dfe Rebuilding Schools Scheme and look forward to working with the Dfe over the next few years on such an exciting project. Opportunities will also be used to enhance our development of the Lydiate Futures curriculum where our learners can see for themselves all the jobs involved in the design and build of a new school. 




Vision & Values

Our Values


As a school committed to getting the very best for our children, we believe in:


  1. children having a voice and being able to articulate themselves using high quality oracy techniques, skills and knowledge developed through the Voice 21 curriculum.
  2. positive mental health for our whole learning community with support mechanisms in place for support and nuturing.
  3. excellence in learning and teaching of an innovative, varied and creative curriculum, underpinned by the development of basic skills within a vibrant, challenging and interactive environment.
  4. a warm, welcoming, inclusive atmosphere, full of opportunities, both during lessons and through a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
  5. the potential of ICT and Music to enhance and extend learning and teaching across the whole curriculum where appropriate.
  6. nurturing and valuing each individual’s talents, abilities, learning styles, strengths and qualities, based on high, but achievable expectations.
  7. encouraging everyone to believe in themselves, build self-esteem and allow time for reflection on personal and academic development.
  8. encouraging values of empathy, respect, honesty, responsibility and resilience; and also respecting the right to hold other beliefs and ways of life.
  9. creating a safe, secure and inspirational learning environment in which all strive to achieve their full potential, whilst also feeling able to take risks and learn from mistakes.
  10. developing a consultative partnership between children, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, governors and the wider community, based on mutual respect and regular communication.


School Community Voice


Our School Council has worked very hard collecting a wonderful number of suggestions for our Lydiate School Values from everyone within the Lydiate School family. These were collated together and then the School Council worked democratically to reduce them to our 10 very special school values. 













Characteristics Of Our School


By staying faithful to our values and regularly celebrating our values we are creating a school where:


  • children feel valued, unique and happy, and have a concern for the world community with a strong sense of integrity and morals.
  • children are self-confident, self-controlled and show a strong code of behaviour and personal conduct
  • everyone feels welcome and can access the full range of learning opportunities, regardless of faith, gender, race or disability.
  • The community is both happy and thriving, recognising the contributions of all and valuing every individual.
  • children, staff, parents and governors work together as a team within a welcoming, hard-working and inclusive atmosphere.
  • children learn from an integrated, interactive curriculum which is taught in a fun and exciting way, by passionate, enthusiastic teachers.
  • children are given fluency in basic skills, such as reading, writing and mathematics, which are needed for life in the future.
  • children approach all aspects of their lives with optimism and resilience.
  • honesty, respect and discipline are promoted and valued and others are treated with kindness and warmth.
  • children love learning, strive for excellence at all times and recognise learning as a life-long experience.