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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

School Council

Mrs Fielding-Huda and Miss Bradford run our school council, which comprises of two children elected from each year group across the school. They meet every other week and their actions have a major impact on school life.


 What is our School Council for?

  • Learning to work together
  • Learning about democracy
  • Learning how to play a positive role in our community
  • Representing others


Our school council members have been voted in by their classes because they have the following qualities:-


Good listener - everyone in class is comfortable talking to them.


Assertive - the opinions of your class are just as important as everyone else’s.

Efficient - class discussions must cover a lot of issues in a short space of time.

Fair - everyone has the right to express a point of view.

Good communicator - you need to be able to work with staff and students from across the


In September, children from Years 1-6 took part in an election to determine their new School Council members. Each candidate who wanted to be considered was asked to put forward their case for what they would bring to the role and classes then voted for their choices. We were incredibly impressed with all of the children who put themselves forward for the role and it was very difficult for each class to choose their representatives. Thank you to all children who took part and congratulations to this year's School Council!