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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.



My name is Mrs Laycock and I am the English lead. The following information will give you an overview of English at Lydiate Primary and Nursery School.


At Lydiate Primary and Nursery School we want children to express themselves clearly, in speaking and in writing. We want children who know the joy of reading and that reading is often the way to discover new information and knowledge. Children who read fluently and expressively with good understanding.

In English, pupils will explore a range of writing genres through engaging and interesting
stimuli. Each year group will use a range of picture stories, novels, non-fiction texts, poetry, pictures and videos to inspire and inform their writing, and challenge their key reading skills.

The Lydiate Reader 


At Lydiate Primary and Nursery school we are passionate about reading.

Learning discrete reading skills is vital and at Lydiate. We use the Bug Club Phonics scheme throughout EYFS and KS1 to give our children the best start to reading possible. We use the Lancashire reading documents to plan, teach and assess reading across school.


Recent research into reading shows that developing positive attitudes towards reading also plays a key role in children’s development. Research also shows that reading for pleasure has a positive impact on children’s attainment in reading assessments and across the wider curriculum. Children who read for pleasure have enhanced levels of text comprehension.


We believe that by teaching every child to read well, making time within the school day to read, and embedding a culture of reading into the core of what we do we can develop a school of readers.

All children take reading books home every day and are expected to read at home as often as possible.


See below for lists of book recommendations to share at home.



The Lydiate Writer


Children’s reading experiences are linked to their progress in writing and we use this reading to writing process to teach writing. Well-chosen texts provide rich language models and structures from which children can learn how writing works and the effect it can have on a reader.

We use the Lancashire writing documents to plan, teach and assess writing across school.

At Lydiate we have high expectations and our children write effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Our Curriculum Drivers

More than any other subject, English – and especially reading – gives pupils access to the rest of the curriculum and is fundamental to their educational success. This is why the introduction to the national curriculum says: ‘Fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects’.

Our curriculum is driven by the three principles which make up our school motto: Inspire, Achieve, Prepare for Life.


Inspiring Our Pupils - The Intent

We use Lancashire Key Learning documents to support our coverage and teaching of the National Curriculum (see below). Teachers plan bespoke lessons to match pupils' needs building on prior knowledge and learning.