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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Early Years



Lydiate Primary provides education for children from the age of three years until the end of the foundation stage, where children are ready to enter Year 1. Our Early Years education spans Holly Nursery and Acorn Reception classes. 


The Early Years Quality Mark


We are extremely proud of our foundation stage provision. Over the past two years, the Early Years team have been working towards an endorsement for the excellent quality of education that we provide. During May 2021, we received the exciting news that we were being awarded a Quality Mark for our Early Years provision. We are the only school in Sefton to have received this sought-after professional qualification. 


Our Provision


The award of the Quality Mark reflects the highest quality in indoor and outdoor continuous provision, learning and development, communication, interactions (including the key person approach) and leadership and management. You only have to set foot in the environment to experience for yourselves the quality. Calm, neutral colours provide an indoor backdrop for a range of areas - reading, writing, maths, science/curiosity, art, workshop, sand, water, malleable, role play, construction, small world - where children can develop as creative, active and independent learners, competent in a range of skills related to the seven areas of learning. Our outdoor areas are so much more than places to develop physically. Here, too, planting beds, role play sheds, small world jungles, digging zones and a range of large-scale construction and water items allow children to rise to challenges and develop their skills of teamwork, resilience and appreciation of the natural world.


Our Early Years Curriculum


Our careful planning of independent and adult-led activities develop children's vocabulary and bring children on every day in many different aspects of the curriculum. Each subject leader ensures that the roots of their subject starts within the Early Years, and this is reflected in our key learning documents for all subjects. Our Early Years children are budding scientists, athletes, geographers, historians, artists, technologists, musicians, computer scientists and linguists who have begun to develop a real empathy for the variety of life that surrounds them. 


The Seven Areas of Learning


The Early Years curriculum comprises seven areas of learning, and all are important. 

The areas of learning are:

  • communication and language.
  • physical development.
  • personal, social and emotional development.
  • literacy.
  • mathematics.
  • understanding the world.
  • expressive arts and design.


We believe that every child should leave the foundation stage at Lydiate Primary being competent in the building blocks of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, so we provide a well-paced, challenging curriculum which emphasises the importance of these three aspects.


Reading & Writing


We follow the excellent 'Bug Club Phonics' scheme from Nursery, which rapidly introduces children to letters and sounds and ensures that they experience a range of inspiring, well-sequenced and progressive activities to develop their reading and writing skills. Our children read and write every day, meaning that they quickly become confident in applying their phonics. Reading has an extremely high profile throughout school. Children in both the Nursery and Reception have access to exciting reading areas, where they can read and browse a range of high-quality texts in cosy and inviting spaces, as well as visiting our beautiful library. We prioritise reading in the daily curriculum, starting with teaching reading for a short time each day and building up to providing an hour a day of reading experiences by the end of reception.


Writing has an equally high profile. In both settings, the children write every day. We practise letter formation and transfer phonics and reading skills into writing practice. We also provide multiple opportunities for writing across different aspects of the provision, e.g. shopping lists in the home corner or model designing in the construction area.




Our Maths curriculum is equally challenging. Daily Maths lessons and related activities ensure that children become fluent in recalling and using number facts and number bonds in calculation and are competent counters in a variety of contexts. We pride ourselves in our progression in mathematical reasoning. Even our youngest children learn to talk with ease about their maths work, using appropriate vocabulary and explaining how they solved problems.


Curriculum References


We use Development Matters to structure our learning, as well as bespoke progression maps for each of the seven areas of learning. Each of these progression maps leads towards the Early Learning Goals at the end of the reception year. Our learning is flexible, in response to a range of books studied, the needs and interests of the children and important events such as Divali. 


Please see below links to Development Matters, the Early Learning Goals and our progression maps for all seven areas of learning.


For more information about our Early Years curriculum, speak to Mrs Laycock (EYFS Lead), Miss Dower (Reception Teacher) or Miss Bradford (Nursery Teacher.)