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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.


SMSC at Lydiate Primary School


'All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values.' (DFE: 2014) 


SMSC (spiritual, moral, cultural and social) education can be described as the “hidden curriculum”. It is all the things that we do in school to build up children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, thoughts and experiences.


Here at Lydiate Primary School we recognise that the personal development of children, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve.  Therefore, SMSC is embedded into daily practices and through a broad and balanced curriculum as well as being supported by our school’s vision and values.


Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:

Social - develop a range of social skills to use in the local community and beyond; appreciate diverse viewpoints; appreciate different viewpoints; empathise with others; resolve conflicts within a supportive environment.


Moral - recognise right and wrong and respect rules and the law; understand consequences; to learn about moral and ethical issues.


Spiritual - explore and develop respect for a variety of beliefs, faiths and values; develop an increased understanding of oneself, others and the surrounding world; reflect on feelings and experiences.


Cultural - appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity


This integrated approach ensures that aspects of SMSC are considered within a holistic approach to education. Opportunities for SMSC development are considered by all staff and subject leads.


To find out more look at our SMSC Across the Curriculum document.



Fundamental British values (FBV) at Lydiate Primary


'Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.' (DFE: 2014) 


As a school we believe actively promoting the values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. The fundamental British Values are interwoven into our curriculum. Children are taught to 

Democracy- be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part.

Tolerance and respect - respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others.

Individual liberty - be free to express views or ideas.

Rule of law - learn that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable for their actions and behaviour


Futher evidence of SMSC and FBV can be seen in our class floorbooks.


SMSC Across the Curriculum 2022/23

Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools

British Values at Lydiate Primary