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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Head for the Day

Following a successful election campaign, Jessica Wilcox was elected by members of the school community as Headteacher for the day, for Tuesday 10th July. Congratulations to Jessica, who ran an excellent campaign, but also to Leah Eastwood, Isabel Martin and Isabella Spence-Robb, the other superb shortlisted candidates.


Jess planned a fun-filled day for everyone. She sent out letters to parents which allowed pupils to come to school in their own clothes, and even allowed slime and squishies at certain points in the day!


On the day itself, she held an assembly where she explained that classes were to pair up (younger pupils with older pupils) to participate in a range of activities. These activities included sports, dancing, origami, a quiz, outdoor art and lego/construction. Not to mention longer playtimes and watching sports or film choices. Everyone had an amazing day, as I'm sure you'll see by the photographs!