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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

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Graffiti Maths - Elm

Elm class threw the rule book out of the window this afternoon and turned our tables into massive whiteboards to practice our knowledge of multiples of 8. After checking the coast was clear from Mrs Forshaw, we started writing as many multiples of 2 as we could think of, great and small, on our tables. We crossed out any that were not a multiple of 4 and extended this by working out, and circling, our multiples of 8.  We then answered number statements given to us by finding the answers on our, now heavily inked, tables. 


Naturally, we cleaned up before the end of the day and no-one was any wiser about the graffiti maths we had been doing!  Don't worry grown ups, the class were given strict instructions not to try this at home.