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Lydiate Primary and Nursery School

Inspire. Achieve. Prepare for life.

Year 5 Sycamore

Summer Term 2 - 2024

We have some really exciting areas of learning to delve into this term!



We are now nearly at the end of Stormbreaker and we have really worked on our reading and writing skills; examining the techniques used by Antony Horowitz, delving into the meaning behind words and replicating aspects in our own writing. We will be writing our own stories based on our learning



We are continuing to practise Arithmetic skills and rehearsing aspects of Maths that we have covered so far in our Morning Maths sessions. This helps us to perform operations quickly and to hold on to our learning.

We are learning about a range of topics in Maths this half term, including scaling, practising written calculations, fractions, decimals and percentages, measures and using equivalences between units, area and volume. Elements of number and place value are weaved throughout each unit of work.



In Science we are studying humans to old age. 



In our History lessons this term, we exploring journeys. We begin by looking at the significance of journeys through history, before specifically studying the journeys of Walter Raleigh, third class passengers on the Titanic and children transported by Kindertransport before the outbreak of World War II.




This half term we focus on notation and composition. We compose out own music and play it on the glockenspiel.



The focus this half term is on the date. We recall days of the week, months of the year and numbers.



In our Art lessons, we learn about artists John Singer Sargent and Magdalene Odundo. We analyse and evaluate the work of these artists, before planning and making a piece of art work which conveys a messgae.




During our Computing sessions this half term, we remind ourselves of aspects of online safety such as what is meant by an online reputation. We then study heroes in the world of Computing and use google slides to present the outcomes of our research.



Our two topics for P.E. this half term are Dance and Tag Rugby, where we refine passing and moving, different passing styles and skills in defending.



In this half term, we look at Christian teachings under the umbrella 'What Would Jesus Do?' We examine the impact that Jesus's teaching has on Christians today and the origin of Christian beliefs.



We love exploring the units on 1Decision. They are giving the children a good insight into the world and offering advice on how to conduct themselves as good and honest citizens, whilst keeping themselves safe at all times. We are learning how to look after others this half term; demonstrating why it is important to behave in responsible ways.


Thank you for your continued support,


Mrs Laycock & Mrs Londesborough.

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