Year 5 - Sycamore/Birch
Autumn Term 1 - 2024
Welcome to Y4/5 class! We are split into two classes: Sycamore and Birch. We have some really exciting areas of learning to delve into this term!
Our English topic this half term is focused on the first instalment of Lemony Snicket's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning'. We will develop our reading and writing skills through the use of VIPERS:
Using VIPERS helps us to examine the techniques used by the author, delve into the meaning behind words and replicate aspects in our own writing. We will then create our own piece of writing in the style of Lemony Snicket.
To start our Maths topic both Year 4 and 5 will focus on place value, recognising the value of a digit according to its position in a number. This key knowledge will help us as we progress into written addition and subtraction of 4 and 5-digit numbers, before progressing onto shape and measurement later in the term. Elements of number and place value are weaved throughout each unit of work.
In Science we will be exploring materials and their properties.
In our Geography lessons this term we will be exploring how the UK has changed over time. We will explore the different regions of the UK and how physical and man-made changes have affected the landscape.
This half term we focus on Djembe drumming and Ukelele. We will experiment with creating our own sounds on both tuned and untuned instruments.
The focus this half term is As-tu un animal? = Do you have a pet?
In our Art lessons, we are focusing on creating observational drawings. We will study the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser as inspiration for our own pieces.
During our Computing sessions this half term, we will be exploring networks, the internet and collaboration by understanding search engines and copyright on the internet.
Our two topics for P.E. this half term are Gymnastics and Netball.
In this half term, our question is 'Why do some people believe God exists?' We will explore the similarities and differences in beliefs of religions in the UK.
We love exploring the units on 1Decision. They are giving the children a good insight into the world and offering advice on how to conduct themselves as good and honest citizens, whilst keeping themselves safe at all times. We are learning about recognising peer pressure and how it can be both positive and negative.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Reilly and Miss Jessup